You're too obsessed with Harry Potter when...

you cant find a Broom so you sit on the vacume cleaner.
you pick up a stick and aim it at your sister and say wingardium leviosa
you see an owl and try to tie a letter to it
you go to the trian station and run head first into the barrier
you go around trying to open brick walls
you buy a rat and try and make it turn into a human
you get a walnut paint it gold put little plastic wings on it and try to make it fly
you insist on sleeping in the cuboard under the stairs
you find a pub like the leaky cauldron and yell "look its me Harry Potter"
you tatoo a large lighting bolt on your forehead and tell your parents to get in the car

By Lauren Potter of Gryffindor

You walk into your history teacher, expecting to go through him!
You force your pet owl to nibble your ear and bring you back dead mice
You annoy every single teacher in the school by barging into their class and saying "excuse me, but i cant seem to find the dungeons - i really should get to my potions lesson"
You throw powder into your fire and try to walk through it
You try to convince you parents that they are really your aunt and uncle and they are cruel and heartless to you

By Gryffy of Gryffindor

Someone touches your stuffed animals and you say, "Don't mind Hermione, she doesn't care about anyone else's animals."
You check your mail every day after your 11th birthday
You keep prodding your parents. They have some 'weird' relatives, right?

By Jill of Gryffindor

You've been a witch every Halloween of your life since you've read the books
You buy a picture of a fat lady & hang it on your door & yell words like " caput draconis" at it
You & your friends write your names on peices of paper, throw them all in a glass with a burning match in it and expect it to spit some of the papers out

By Anya Ravenclaw of Ravenclaw

Someone says the word 'you-know-who', and you automatically say 'what, Voldemort?'
You hear the distant hoot of an owl and think 'who's got mail?'
When stuck in traffic, you quickly search for a tiny invisibility button on your dashboard
You wink and wave at the people in your photo album and swear they do it back
You go to the Reptile section at your zoo and talk to the snakes behind the glass
When pestered by a bully, you mutter under your breath, "Petrificus Totallus" and expect them to stop moving
When looking in the mirror you hear a nagging voice crtiquing your appearance

By Cha-Cha of Gryffindor

When you can't sleep, instead of counting sheep, you count Harrys on broomsticks

By Emily Starzover of Ravenclaw

You squeeze marbles to see if they turn red

By Ben of Ravenclaw