What's Harry Doing in the Muggle World?
Welcome to a new section of Hogwarts! This is where you can catch up on all of Harry's doings in the Muggle world. If you ever come across a Harry Potter article or the time of a television interview with Rowling or someone to do with the upcoming Harry Potter movie, let me know, and I'll put it up, earning you points for your house! But for now, see what we already know is happening!
Movie News
You guessed it! This is where you'll find all sorts of news about the Harry Potter movie, due out in theatres November 16, 2001.
Merchandise News
This is (you guessed it again) the place to find out what they're actually planning on making Harry Potter style! You might find out some interesting things!
Miscellaneous News
And lastly (for now, at least, because I'm planning on adding an 'interviews' section), we have the miscellaneous goings on. Not much, but hey, I'm working on it!
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