Lee Jordan's Quidditch
By Bob of Slytherin
Harry woke with a start he opened his eyes to find Oliver Wood standing over him. Then Harry Remembered today was the match against Slytherin if Gryffindor won this match they would win the house cup. Down at Breakfast he spotted Draco Malfoy talking to Professor Snape they looked at Harry, he felt a sudden pain in his left arm what was going on. Eleven o'clock came the Gryffindor team was in the dressing room Oliver came in "right,"he said,"time to go.
Lee Jordan Started the Comentory," and here comes the Gryffindor team Wood, Johnson, Spinnet, Bell, Weasley, Weasley and Potter." There was an uproar from the crowd." Here come the Slytherins. They're off Potters off to the heavens and Wood to the posts. That was a fine pass by Bell very atractive to if i might say so myself. Spinnets of towards the goal and she scores what i fine chaser she is. Now Slytherin possesion Derek got the ball wooo that was a fine intersect by Johnson shes of towards the posts (wham) what was that NO Marcus Flint flew into her that lazy godd for nothing," ", Jordan ," Sorry professor and they're off again wait was that the snitch." Harry looked around heading straight for him was a bludger wham it hit him." NO potters of his broom down down down he's going to hit the ground." Dumbledore stood up bellowed somthing then sat down Harry was floating up back to his broom just as he reached it he felt something on his nose it was the snitch he reached up to grab it and the stand exploded he had caught the snitch for his 6 game running." Spectacular Potters got the snitch he's done it again
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