Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans-8 knuts a bag
Chocolate Frogs-5 knuts
Jelly Slugs-3 knuts
Fizzing Whizbees-7 knuts
Droobles Best Blowing Gum-7 knuts
Toothflossing Stringmints-6 knuts
Pepper Imps-4 knuts
Ice Mice-4 knuts
Peppermint Cream Toads-7 knuts
Sugar-spun Quills-8 knuts
Exploding Bon-bons-5 knuts
Blood Lollies-8 knuts
Cockroach Clusters-8 knuts
Acid Pops-6 knuts
If there are any candies you don't see, but you desire, you can e-mail me at to see if I have any in stock. Also e-mail me your orders there.